At least America will always have heartwarming YouTube clips for common ground? This is one of the few times that a celebrity interview actually provokes thought, so I recommend reading it. You have to understand that people who choose not to discuss their personal lives are not living a lie.' Spacey compares outing celebrities to bullying gay teens: 'I don't understand people who say, 'Well, this is a terrible thing that is happening to this young person whose life is being exposed,' and then turn around and do it to another person.' Sessums brings up how powerful it would be to see Spacey do an 'It Gets Better' video, and Spacey agrees and says he'd 'absolutely' do it.
( And spank sexy naked butts therein.) Sessums: 'We gay men have always proudly claimed you as a member of our tribe, and yet you don't proudly claim us back. Thursday gossip knows that you know that he knows, but what about her? David Arquette confirms that he's having a breakdown. Nick Cannon confirms that Mariah's having twins.
Kevin Spacey fights for the right to stay in the glass closet.