We could hardly say no, having only 1 dollar left between us. 'You boys looking to make some fast cash?' asked the guy behind the desk. Whilst this was enough for the beds for the night, it didn't leave us anything for food and we were both starving hungry. Lee and I turned out our pockets and had a sum total of 35 dollars between us. '17 dollars per person per night,' he replied with a wry smile I guess he's used to backpackers turning up without much money.
'How much for two beds in a dorm room, please?' I asked the desk clerk.
The backpacking trip round Australia before going off to university next year had started out quite well, but the money I'd brought with me hadn't lasted very long and there just wasn't any work via all the usual channels so me and my mate Lee were getting pretty desperate for cash by the time we reached the hostel in Melbourne.